About us

Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Robotic Perception and Intelligence (Plan) mainly focuses on robotics, robot perception, and intelligence-related fields to carry out scientific and technological innovation and talent cultivation. The laboratory focuses on the basic theory and core technology of perception and intelligence of cutting-edge robots, aiming at solving the key points of the practical application of robots in social production and life, and carrying out relevant research. The laboratory studies intelligent human-robot interaction in densely populated dynamic environments and its solutions in the medical and service industries. The related achievements will make robots run efficiently in dynamic complex environments and crowded scenes, and make original contributions to the achievement of national scientific and technological innovation and development goals. At the same time, the laboratory is committed to the research of throat swab nucleic acid sampling robot, venous blood collection and injection robot, tracheal intubation robot, ultrasonic scanning robot, and medical image analysis, and strives to complete the product prototype development and application demonstration of the world's first intelligent interaction and operation robot system that can replace the operation of medical staff in infectious wards.


Max Q.-H. Meng
Max Q.-H. Meng


Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Robotics, Robotic Intelligence and Perception, Medical Robots

Mail: mengqh@sustech.edu.cn

Homepage: https://eee.sustech.edu.cn/?view=%e5%ad%9f%e5%ba%86%e8%99%8e-2&jsid=18

Jiankun Wang
Jiankun Wang

Assistant Professor

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Are: Motion and Path Planning, Service Robots, Artificial Intelligence

Mail: wangjk@sustech.edu.cn

Homepage: https://eee.sustech.edu.cn/?view=%e7%8e%8b%e5%bb%ba%e5%9d%a4&jsid=18

Xue Zhang
Xue Zhang

Postdoctoral Researcher

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Flexible Mechanism, Surgical Robot, Visual Sevoing

Mail: zhangxue122@126.com

Liang Lu
Liang Lu

Postdoctoral Researcher

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Robot motion control, fast solution of model predictive control, modeling of complex electromechanical system 

Mail: lvl@sustech.edu.cn

Yuhan Chen
Yuhan Chen

Postdoctoral Researcher

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Visual Servoing, Robotics, Ultrasound Servo Control, Medical robotics

Mail: chenyuhan19930920@163.com

Xuheng Gao
Xuheng Gao

Ph.D. Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Robot Manipulation

Mail: 12131032@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Pengyu Wang
Pengyu Wang

PH.D. student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering /  Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology / Hong Kong university of Science and Technology

Research Area: Robotics, 3D Vision

Mail: 12250023@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Jie Yang
Jie Yang

PH.D. student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of science and Technology

Research Area: Medical Image Processing, Point Cloud Processing

Mail: 12131048@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Shilong Yao
Shilong Yao

PH.D. student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering / Department of Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology / City University of Hong Kong

Research Area: Surgical Robot System

Mail: 12150026@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Yemin Li
Yemin Li

Ph.D. Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Robot Manipulation

Mail: 12231037@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Ziqi Zhao
Ziqi Zhao

PH.D. student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Robotic Mechanics, Robot Mobile and Operation, Medical Robot, Service Robot

Mail: zhaozq2020@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Kaiwei Che
Kaiwei Che

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Technology and Science

Research Area: Computer Vision, Spiking Neural Network, Architecture Search

Mail: 12032207@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Zhiyuan Chen
Zhiyuan Chen

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Object Reorientation, 3D Vision, Deep Learning

Mail: 12132111@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Homepage: https://easonchenxd.github.io/

Zhirui Sun
Zhirui Sun

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Robot Perception and Path Planning.

Mail: 11930676@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Homepage: https://zhirui-sun.github.io/

Chengjiayi Zhang
Chengjiayi Zhang

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Technology and Science

Research Area: Mobile Robot, SLAM, Deep Learning

Mail: 12132818@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Peijia Xie
Peijia Xie

Master Student

Department: Department of electronic and electrical engineering

University: Southern University of Technology and Science

Research Area: Medical Robot

Mail: 12232119@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Can He
Can He

Master Student

Department: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Robot Manipulator Grasping

Mail: hec2021@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Lingxiao Meng
Lingxiao Meng

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Technology and Science

Research Area: Manipulator VR

Mail: 12132137@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Yue Hong
Yue Hong

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Medical Robotics.

Mail: 12032838@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Bingyi Xia
Bingyi Xia

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Motion Planning, Mobile Robot

Mail: 12032204@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Jiangshan Liu
Jiangshan Liu

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Ara: Visual Servo

Mail: 11811716@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Zhe Zhang
Zhe Zhang

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Man-machine-interactive

Mail: 12232106@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Zhengxuan Qiu
Zhengxuan Qiu

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Image Processing, Computer Vision

Mail: 12232122@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Peiyu Luo
Peiyu Luo

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Medical Robotics

Mail: 12232146@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Wen Wei
Wen Wei

Master Student

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Robot Perception and Intelligence

Mail: 12232103@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Kuanqi Cai
Kuanqi Cai

Research Assistant

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Sustech/CUHK(SZRI)

Research Area: Path Planning, Robotics

Mail: kayle.ckq@gmail.com

Zihao Wang
Zihao Wang

Research Assistant

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning

Mail: 11811718@mail.sustech.edu.cn

Boshu Lei
Boshu Lei

Research Assistant

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Computer Vision, Social Navigation, Robot Exploration

Mail: sobremesa121@gmail.com

Xianghu Yu
Xianghu Yu

Research Assistant

Department: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

University: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Surgical Robot, Catheter, Stent, Balloon

Mail: albertxhyu@163.com

Hanxiao Chen
Hanxiao Chen

Visiting Scholar

Department: Automation

University: Harbin Institute of Technology

Research Area: Robotic Manipulation, Computer Vision

Mail: hanxiaochen@hit.edu.cn

Hao Luan
Hao Luan


Current Position: University of Toronto

Research Area: Robotics, Control Theory, Game Theory, Decision-making.

Mail: hao.luan@mail.utoronto.ca

Homepage: https://edmundluan.github.io

Anxing Xiao
Anxing Xiao


Current Position: University of British Columbia

Research Area: Mobile Robots, Motion Planning and Decision Making, Machine Learning

Mail: anxingxiao@ece.ubc.ca

Homepage: anxingxiao.com

Ruo Zhang
Ruo Zhang


Current Position: Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Research Area: Robotics, Deep Learning

Mail: zr313338270@163.com

Tianyi Zhang
Tianyi Zhang


Current Position: ETH Zurich

Research Area: Robot Perception, Machine Learning

Mail: tianyi_zhang19@hotmail.com

Zhaoting Li
Zhaoting Li


Current Position: ETH Zurich

Research Area: Human Robot Collaboration, State Estimation, Machine Learning

Mail: zhaoting_li@outlook.com

Homepage: zhaotingli.github.io

Nachuan Ma
Nachuan Ma


Current Position: Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Area: Computer Vision, Damage Detection

Mail: manachuan@163.com