Automatic Angle of Trunk Rotation measurement for scoliosis screening

—— Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Robotics Perception and Intelligence [P]

AIS is the most common 3D vertebral deformity, affecting 0.5% to 5.2% of the adolescent population worldwide. AIS affects aesthetics and becomes a physical and mental disorder in adolescent patients. Therefore, early detection of AIS leads to better treatment of AIS and prevention of further deterioration. It is well known that Xray imaging is the current “golden standard” for AIS measurement and the subsequent assessments of spinal deformity progression in youths. However, repeated exposure to ionizing radiation during the subsequent assessment for progression of spinal deformity increases the risk of malignancy. Therefore, the radiation-free methods in AIS assessment and AIS progression surveillance are an urgent requirement.

We propose an automatic method that combines 3D sensor imaging and spinous process and stress points detection (SPSP) algorithm to calculate the ATR with minimal manual operations in realtime. Specifically, our mehtod employs a 3D scanner to obtain the 3D back model of participants with the Adams forward bending test(AFBT), and obtain the depth information of the 3D back model. Then, back contour curves of the participant are acquired through the depth information, and the position of the spinous process and stress points on the back contour curves are determined by the SPSP algorithm. Finally, the ATRs of the participant are calculated according to the measurement principle of the scoliosis meter. Combining the advantages of the 3D depth sensor imaging and the SPSP algorithm, this system can mimic the skills of an expert clinician and realize both rapid and accurate scoliosis inspection in the routine SSS, thereby enabling effective robotic SSS with minimal manual operations.