Max Q.-H. Meng and Jiankun Wang's Team Receives 2022 IET Best Paper Award

2023-02-14 108

Recently, the paper "A survey of learning-based robot motion planning" published in IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics by Chair Professor Max Q.-H. Meng and Assistant Professor Jiankun Wang's team has been awarded the best paper of IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics 2022 by IET.

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is the largest international academic organization in Europe and the second largest in the world.Its predecessor, the IEE (Institute of Electrical Engineers), was founded in 1871 and is an internationally recognized professional academic society in the field of electrical and electronics. Their journal, IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics, is a leading journal in the field of cyber-systems and robotics. The IET Premium Awards are selected annually by the IET and awarded to the most influential academic papers published in the IET series in the past two years, with only one paper per journal receiving the award.
